Sunday, September 14, 2014

Unit 2: Assignment 2
Currency – The information on this website seems to be pretty accurate. The site shows information gathered within the last decade, and according to the citation, the information on this site have been updated between 2012-2014, but could use more information from the current year. All of the links does work as well.
elevance – The information given on this website on the topics listed are fairly basic and simple. As a college student, I would not necessarily use this website for research papers because the bullet points listed aren’t quite detailed enough and seem to be all over the place.
uthority – The authors are listed on this website and it does show their credentials and qualifications. The only contact information that it shows is their address. I believe that the site visitors are the ones who help fund the website.
ccuracy - The information on this site, to my knowledge, is accurate and does match with what I know personally. The citation and references are listed at the bottom of each linked page and the data presented can be confirmed with other websites as well. However, in my personal opinion, I don’t think the website looks professional at all and could use a bit of an upgrade. The language shown on this website makes it easy to read and not harsh at all.
urpose – According to this site, the purpose of this website is to “research and publish verifiable facts about the leading public policy issues of our time.” (
Currency – The data presented on this website are all accurate and up to date. All of the links work fine, however, I could not find how long the website has been operating.
elevance – The information given on this website is something that I would use in a research paper, if it dealt with politics. It does contain detailed information about the topics given, but as far as it being breadth, I do not think so because it seems as if it is limited to politics.
uthority – The authors are listed on this website but it does not show their qualifications and credentials. Their contact information are listed under the contact us section at the bottom of the page.
ccuracy - The material on this site seems to be accurate, but because I do not know much about politics, I would only assume so. There isn’t any citation and references that I was able to find, but I’m sure if I was to compare it with other websites, the data presented could be confirmed. The website looks professional and the language shown on the website makes it easy to read as well.
urpose – According to the site, the mission state that they are “a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.” (

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